PMU is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo.
We always use the purest quality pigments formulated completely free of heavy metals and other additives, to enable NO change in colour, faster healing, and most important clients health and safety
The healing process may last up to 28 days, after which, you will need to return for a touch-up appointment 6-12 weeks after the initial application. A new amount of pigment is added to the faded sections of the eyebrow. Pigment retention depends on skin oiliness. Perspiration and sun exposure affect pigments as well. Nano Brow retention lasts between 12-36 months. After this period, touch ups are required to refresh the color.
Nano Brows mimics the look of hair strokes to create hyper-realistic eyebrows. To create nano strokes, a handheld machine is used. This is different from microblading which is done using a manual handheld tool to create hair strokes.
Nano brows are an alternative option for Microblading if you have oilier skin and larger pores as Microblading would not be suitable. Strokes are always drawn in the direction of natural hair growth and pigment is chosen according to the natural eyebrow hair color, in order to achieve as natural a look as possible. We obtain symmetry by using the golden ratio and the PhiApp. Besides saving you time drawing on your eyebrows, Nano Brows has a strong impact on self-esteem in various situations when makeup can be erased.