Pre Eyelash Extensions

If you are wanting lashes before a wedding, vacation or big event, and you are new to lash extensions. We suggest booking a full set at least 4 weeks before for many reasons. It's important you get used to them, start a routine of taking care of them and remembering that they are there (they feel like nothing) So your lashes can look fabulous for the occasion.
-If you use waterproof mascara, avoid using it 2-3 days before your appointment.
-Come with a clean, makeup-free face.
-Do not wear contacts
-Have an idea in mind what extensions you'd like, be prepared to discuss
-Check out the gallery to find a style you like
-Avoid drinking caffeine
-Use the washroom
Post Eyelash Extensions
-You can get your lashes wet as soon as you leave your appointment without any repercussions.
-Cleanse your eyelash extensions with a lash cleanser 1-2x a day to maintain proper eye health and good retention, even if you do not wear make-up on a daily basis.
-Any products you wear on your face should be oil free while having extensions, sweat & oil break down the bonds of adhesive.
-You may wear eyeliner/eye make-up as long as its Lash Extension safe (oil free) and your removing it properly at the end of the day (if your unsure of the ingredients in your products, you can always ask us).
-If you wear any eye make-up use an oil free make-up remover first to remove the makeup and then follow with lash cleanser.
-You should brush your eyelash extensions daily with the brush provided. Eyelash extensions should be brushed in the morning to neaten them up, throughout the day and after cleansing.
-Optional; You can use a drying fan (or hair dryer on COOL setting) to fluff out the volume fans after getting them wet.
-Book a Lash re-fill every 2-3 weeks. We recommend a 2 week fill in the beginning, if it's your first time.